Your Voice Counts!
Voices of Health (VOH) is a competition that celebrates local non-profit organizations that are working to address social determinants of health in the communities where we live, work and play. Aetna’s objective is to empower these organizations to continue their work and expand access to their services to the community, while also validating the work that they are doing. Janet Goeske Foundation (JGF) is honored to be named one of five finalists for the Inland Empire region.
Why Vote?
The Voices of Health competition winner receives a $20,000 prize! Your vote for Janet Goeske Foundation (JGF) is a vote to expand access to Successful Aging programs AND moves us one step closer to winning the competition. The $20,000 grand prize will help accelerate the development and expansion of much needed programs/services that keep older adults physically active, socially engaged, and living independently for the long term!
How to Vote?
Voting is FREE! You can vote DAILY September 9 – October 13. That’s Monday – Friday and weekends too! VOTE JGF using ONE or ALL of these options:
YES, it’s possible for your voice to be heard 4 times strong! Use ALL voting options to provide JGF with up to 4 votes daily! Encourage your friends & family to VOTE JGF daily too!
Click the “Cast Your Vote” button and follow the instructions on the voting website.
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