Ph: 951.351.8800 | Email: | Janet Goeske Center











What is a Corporate Partner?

Partners 4 Prime are companies or organizations that provide annual unrestricted support funding of $10,000 or greater.

How Do Companies Benefit From Partnering with Janet Goeske Foundation?

Brand-Building & Heightened-Exposure

    Association of your company’s name and products/services with JGF, Riverside’s premier senior services provider and advocacy organization.

Awareness & Revenue Generation

    Exposure of your products and services to older adults/seniors and other community members throughout the Greater Riverside area.

Hands-On & Face-Time Opportunities

    Exclusive “Partners Only” opportunities for patron interaction & relationship building.

How Is The Money Used?

Your donation helps fund critical initiatives focused on reaching thousands of older adults/seniors and providing them with much-needed services, resources, and programs.


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